ZendettaPicks & Bondly: AMA Recap

9 min readOct 29, 2020

Wednesday 28th, 2020

Welcome to another AMA conducted in #ZePicks!

Today we welcome Bondly Finance, and before we let Brandon (@Brandon_Bondly) from Bondly give an overview on the finer details, just to give a very quick summary to star.

Bondly Finance is a p2p exchange with a strong focus on that elusive goal of interoperability. It also offers a range of DeFi services, but it’s probably best we let Brandon explain all that in the process of grilling him!

Brandon: So our project has been called ambitious and I agree, but thankfully we have been working on it a while now and we are really confident about the market fit and the direction. Here’s a summary of our materials:

Bondly is an interoperable, transparent, and portable eCommerce solution built for Digital Assets. What this means to you is we are creating the next gen financial product so that you can trade things like NFT and crypto cross chain when we launch, but then selling things like YouTube or Telegram accounts with crypto very soon. Anything digital will be native and easy to sell trustlessly.

The good news is Harry my partner and I have been doing this type of work for the past 2 years and we built a product that we want to use ourselves.




Written by Zendetta

My name is Zendetta and I hunt stars. اسمي زينديتا و أنا أهوى اصطياد النجوم.